Memory phrase for the character: 府



seat of government, official residence, presidential palace



Left: building 广, below: hand over/pay 付 (A person 亻with a skillful hand 寸 handing over sth.)


The building in which it is handed over, is the seat of the government.


广 buildingAt the explanation this radical is understood as building. The Hanzi 广 (guǎng) itself means: extensive, wide, numerous or to spread
seat of government
to hand over, deliver
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


军政府 jūn zhèng fǔ  military government
人民政府 rén mín zhèng fǔ  people's government
政府 zhèng fǔ  government
府绸 fǔ chóu  poplin (cotton cloth used for shirts)
府尹 fǔ yǐn  magistrate; prefect
府邸 fǔ dǐ  mansion house; official residence
府邸 fǔ dǐ  
府邸 fǔ dǐ  

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