Memory phrase for the character: 序



sequence, order, preface



From top: building 广, to give, bestow 予 (The bent person マ has a nail 丁 to give.)


In the building it is given the correct sequence.


广 buildingAt the explanation this radical is understood as building. The Hanzi 广 (guǎng) itself means: extensive, wide, numerous or to spread
to give, bestow
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


次序 cì xù  sequence; order
程序 chéng xù  procedures; sequence; order; computer program
秩序 zhì xù  order (orderly); order (sequence); social order; the state (of society)
顺序 shùn xù  sequence; order
工序 gōng xù  working procedure; process
帧检验序列 zhèng jiǎn yàn xù liè  frame check sequence; FCS
帧检验序列 zhèng jiǎn yàn xù liè  

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