Memory phrase for the character: 庄



farmstead, manor, village




Left: building 广, below: earth 土


The building next to earth is: a farmstead.


farmsteadThe farmstead is either the building 广 adjacent to the earth 土 or the building in which there is earth (= dirt).
广 buildingAt the explanation this radical is understood as building. The Hanzi 广 (guǎng) itself means: extensive, wide, numerous or to spread
earth, groundPay attention to the length of the upper line. If it is longer, it means scholar 士.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


村庄 cūn zhuāng  village; hamlet
庄园 zhuāng yuán  a manor; feudal land; a villa and park
庄稼 zhuāng jia  farm crop
避暑山庄 bì shǔ shān zhuāng  mountain resort; Qing imperial summer residence at Chengde, a world heritage site
枣庄 Zǎo zhuāng  Zaozhuang prefecture level city in Shandong
枣庄 Zǎo zhuāng  

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