Memory phrase for the character: 层



floor (of a buildings), layer, stratum, story




Outside: 尸 (buttock in side view), below: cloud, to say 云 (It can drip from both 二, namely from noses 厶 or: clouds)


When they are with their buttocks on different "clouds", it refers to: "floors".


buttocks in side viewThis radical has actually the meaning: corpse 尸. But due to its use in tail 尾, urine 尿, or flatulence 屁, it is considered to generally mean 'buttocks'.
cloud, fog
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


上层建筑 shàng céng jiàn zhù  superstructure
基层 jī céng  basic level; grass-roots unit; basement layer
上层 shàng céng  upper layer
阶层 jiē céng  hierarchy; stratum
下层 xià céng  underlayer; lower class; lower strata; substrate
日冕层 rì miǎn céng  the sun's corona
日冕层 rì miǎn céng  

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