Memory phrase for the character: 尤



outstanding, particularly, especially




Shows a big 大 person with a lame/broken leg 乚 and an emphasis 丶


He may have a broken leg, but the emphasis makes him outstanding.


outstanding, particularlyespecially
lame, broken legShows a big 大 person with a broken leg 乚. (Do not confuse with 冘, where also both arms are broken.)
dotIn many languages (such as French), short strokes are used above the letters to express an emphasis. This stroke 丶 is used in the mnemonics accordingly.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


尤其 yóu qí  especially; particularly
尤其 yóu qí  

List of the characters | List of the radicals
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