Memory phrase for the character: 孚



to trust, to believe in



Top: hand reaching down 爫, bottom: child 子


A hand reaching down is what a child can trust in.


childA child with an oversized head 乛, body 亅 and two outstretched arms 一 is seeking support.
entrustThe child 子 can trust the hand reaching down 爫 (e.g. from the mother).
reaching downwardsShows a hand reaching downwards to pluck sth.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


苗圃 miáo pǔ  
苗圃 miáo pǔ  
信孚中外 xìn fú zhōng wài  to be trusted both at home and abroad (idiom)
信孚中外 xìn fú zhōng wài  

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