Memory phrase for the character: 娴



to be skilled at, refined, elegant




Left: woman 女, right: leasure, free time 闲 (Through the gate 门/門 out to the trees 木, when you are at leisure)


(With experience, the work goes faster) If the woman wants free time, she has to be skilled.


womanThe character for tall 大 shows a person 人 with outstretched arms 一. If you shift the lower strokes towards each other, you can get the: woman 女. The wider lower area can be understood as female hips?
gateSimplified from 門, which shows a gate with two wings.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


娴静 xián jìng  gentle and refined
娴雅 xián yǎ  refined; graceful; elegant; serene
娴熟 xián shú  adept; skilled
娴熟 xián shú  

List of the characters | List of the radicals
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