Memory phrase for the character: 始



to begin, to start, then, only then




Left: woman 女, right: platform 台 (The nose 厶 over the mouth 口 is like a platform.)


The lady on the platform begins.


womanThe character for tall 大 shows a person 人 with outstretched arms 一. If you shift the lower strokes towards each other, you can get the: woman 女. The wider lower area can be understood as female hips?
private, noseSide view of a nose that is facing to the left.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


开始 kāi shǐ  to begin; beginning; to start; initial
原始 yuán shǐ  first; original; primitive; original (document etc)
始终 shǐ zhōng  from beginning to end; all along
始终 shǐ zhōng  

At the page you get the memory phrases for learning the Chinese Hanzi. If you are learning the Japanese kanji, please follow this link.

List of the characters | List of the radicals
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