Memory phrase for the character: 奥



obscure, mysterious, Austria 奥地利




From top: var. of roof 宀, rice 米, big 大


Under the roof, he hides rice in big quantities and this is obscure in Austria.


obscure, Austria
big, huge
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


奥地利 Ào dì lì  Austria
奥秘 ào mì  secret; mystery
奥运会 Ào yùn huì  Olympic Games; the Olympics
奥匈帝国 Ào Xiōng dì guó  Austro-Hungarian empire 1867-1918
新奥尔晾 Xīn Ào ěr liàng  New Orleans
新奥尔晾 Xīn Ào ěr liàng  

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