Memory phrase for the character: 基



foundation, base, basic



Top: image of a grain shovel/scoop 其 (tool for threshing, that is used for throwing up the grain rhythmically to divide the grain from the husk [thus used in period 期], below: earth 土


The grain scoop has an earthen foundation.


grain shovel/scoopWith a grain scoop 其 (tool for threshing), grain was rhythmically [thus used in period 期] thrown up to shed the grain from the husk. (cf. to winnow 簸)
earth, groundPay attention to the length of the upper line. If it is longer, it means scholar 士.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


基本上 jī běn shang  basically; on the whole
托洛茨基 Tuō luò cí jī  Leon Davidovich Trotsky (1879-1940), early Bolshevik leader, exiled by Stalin in 1929 and murdered in 1940
熊成基 Xióng Chéng jī  Xiong Chengji (1887-1910), anti-Qing revolutionary and martyr
基建 jī jiàn  capital construction (project); infrastructure
甲基 jiǎ jī  methyl group (chemistry)
基极 jī jí  base electrode (in transistor)
氨基酸 ān jī suān  amino acid
基地 jī dì  base (of operations); industrial or military base; al-Qaeda
基层 jī céng  basic level; grass-roots unit; basement layer
基础 jī chǔ  base; foundation; basis; underlying
基金 jī jīn  fund
基金 jī jīn  

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