Memory phrase for the character: 啦



Sentence-final particle as exclamation


lā, la


Left: mouth 口, right: pull (string instrument) 拉


With my mouth, the hand 扌 and my standpoint 立 I make an exclamation at the sentence-final.


mouth, openingThis is a small square. If it is bigger: 囗, it is an enclosure.
handSimplification of this hand 手
standA person with wide hips 六 stands upright on the ground 一.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


哗啦啦 huā lā lā  crashing sound (onomatopoeia)
哗啦啦 huā lā lā  crashing sound (onomatopoeia)
哗啦 huá la  to collapse
批哩啪啦 pī li pā la  to crackle (of firecrackers etc) (onomatopoeia); to splutter
唏哩哗啦 xī lī huā lā  onomat. clatter (of mahjong tiles etc)
霹雳啪啦 pī lì pā lā  onomat. crack and rattle
霹雳啪啦 pī lì pā lā  

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