Memory phrase for the Kanji: 呵



expel breath, (phonetic particle for "A"), my goodness


kē, hē


Left: mouth 口, right: be possible/can 可 (here: open mouth 'J', where sth. ロ comes out)


Out of the mouth, if it open, sth. comes, when expelling breath.


mouth, openingThis is a small square. If it is bigger: 囗, it is an enclosure.
be possible
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


呵呵 hē hē  gentle laughter; chuckle (onomatopoeia)
呵呵 hē hē  gentle laughter; chuckle (onomatopoeia)
呵欠 hē qiàn  to yawn
呵斥 hē chì  to berate; to excoriate; to chide
呵斥 hē chì  
呵斥 hē chì  

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