Memory phrase for the character: 吸



to inhale, to breathe, to suck in, to absorb



Left: mouth 口, right: reach, extend 及 (A hand stretched out to reach 丿 sth.)


The mouth reaches to the cigarette ノ in a hand to inhale.


mouth, openingThis is a small square. If it is bigger: 囗, it is an enclosure.
reachpicture of a streched hand , trying to reach something 丿
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


吸取 xī qǔ  to absorb; to draw (a lesson, insight etc); to assimilate
吮吸 shǔn xī  to suck
请勿吸烟 qǐng wù xī yān  No smoking; Please do not smoke
虹吸管 hóng xī guǎn  siphon
虹吸 hóng xī  siphon
吸气 xī qì  to inhale; to draw in breath
吸附 xī fù  absorption (chemistry)
呼吸 hū xī  to breathe
吸引 xī yǐn  to attract (interest, investment etc)
吸收 xī shōu  to absorb; to assimilate; to ingest
吸吮 xī shǔn  to suck in
吸吮 xī shǔn  

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List of the characters | List of the radicals
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