Memory phrase for the character: 及



to reach, up to, and, in time for



Left: person 人, right: image of a hand stretched out to reach something 丿


The person stretches out a hand to reach sth.


again, handOther radicals with a hand are: 攴寸廾爫手扌彐右及尹君聿隶兼殳
reachpicture of a streched hand , trying to reach something 丿
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


以及 yǐ jí  as well as; too; and
老吾老,以及人之老,幼吾幼,以及人之幼 lǎo wú lǎo , yǐ jí rén zhī lǎo , yòu wú yòu , yǐ jí rén zhī yòu  to honor old people as we do our own aged parents, and care for other's children as one's own
老吾老,以及人之老,幼吾幼,以及人之幼 lǎo wú lǎo , yǐ jí rén zhī lǎo , yòu wú yòu , yǐ jí rén zhī yòu  to honor old people as we do our own aged parents, and care for other's children as one's own
普及 pǔ jí  popular; to popularize; universal; ubiquitous; pervasive
不及 bù jí  to fall short of; not as good as; too late
涉及 shè jí  to involve; to touch upon (a topic)
埃及 Āi jí  Egypt
阿尔及利亚 Ā ěr jí lì yà  Algeria
又及 yòu jí  P.S.; postscript
及时 jí shí  in time; promptly; without delay; timely
管窥所及 guǎn kuī suǒ jí  in my humble opinion
管窥所及 guǎn kuī suǒ jí  

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