Memory phrase for the character: 参



attend, participate, join, irregular


cān, shēn, cēn


From top: nose 厶 (a nose in side view), big 大, hairy 彡 (Originally this was the image of a kneeling woman 女 = くノ一 with long hair 彡 (possibly with hairpins 八 ?), with the meaning: beautiful)


Where the kneeling woman 厶 with the big hair is, I would like to participate.


participateOriginally this was the image of a kneeling woman 女 = くノ 一 with long hair 彡 (possibly with hairpins 八 ?), with the meaning: beautiful.
private, noseSide view of a nose that is facing to the left.
big, huge
hair or bristle
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


参看 cān kàn  see also; please refer to; confer (cf.); to consult for reference
参与 cān yù  to participate (in sth)
参加 cān jiā  to participate; to take part; to join
参观 cān guān  to look around; to tour; to visit
参照 cān zhào  to consult a reference; to refer to (another document)
参考 cān kǎo  consultation; reference; to consult; to refer
参数 cān shù  parameter
参阅 cān yuè  to consult; to refer to; to read (instructions)
参劾 cān hé  to accuse; to impeach; (in Imperial China) to level charges against an official
参劾 cān hé  

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