Memory phrase for the character: 卉



plants, grass




Top: ten 十, bottom: twenty 廾 (also understood as two hands 屮,屮)


Like a meadow this stands thirty-fold for plants and grasses.


plants, grasses
two handsTwice this hand 屮 (with the fingers 山 towards the top) side by side, which was simplified and combined.
3 three partsThis radical covers characters that have the same component three times.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


花卉 huā huì  flowers and plants
百卉千葩 bǎi huì qiān pā  myriad plants and flowers (idiom); rich and colorful
奇葩异卉 qí pā yì huì  rare and exotic flora (idiom)
奇葩异卉 qí pā yì huì  

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