Memory phrase for the Kanji: 剖



to cut open, to analyze




Left: spit 咅 (stand 立 with open mouth 口 and spit), right: knife刂


Spit on the knife before you cut sth. open.


spitHe stands 立 with his mouth open 口 and spits. Or: The spot 口 under the standing person 立 is his spit.
cutIt is typically at the right side of the character.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


解剖 jiě pōu  to dissect (an animal); to analyze; anatomy
剖面 pōu miàn  profile; section
剖析 pōu xī  dissection; self-analysis
剖析 pōu xī  

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