Memory phrase for the character: 公



public, collectively owned, common, male (animal)




Eight 八, nose 厶 (a nose in side view)


Eight noses stand for the public.


eightThe eight 八 can probably be understood as two hands with outstretched fingers, but without the thumbs, which adds up to eight.
private, noseSide view of a nose that is facing to the left.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


公里 gōng lǐ  kilometer
公分 gōng fēn  centimeter; gram
办公室 bàn gōng shì  office; business premises; bureau
公园 gōng yuán  public park
办公厅 bàn gōng tīng  general office
吨公里 dūn gōng lǐ  ton-kilometer (unit of capacity of transport system)
公仆 gōng pú  public servant
公寓 gōng yù  apartment building; block of flats
公寓 gōng yù  
公顷 gōng qǐng  hectare
雷公打豆腐,拣软的欺 Léi Gōng dǎ dòu fu , jiǎn ruǎn de qī  the God of Thunder strikes bean curd, a bully picks the weakest person; to pick on an easy target
雷公打豆腐,拣软的欺 Léi Gōng dǎ dòu fu , jiǎn ruǎn de qī  

At the page you get the memory phrases for learning the Chinese Hanzi. If you are learning the Japanese kanji, please follow this link.

List of the characters | List of the radicals
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