Memory phrase for the character: 于



in, at, to, from, by, than, out of



Looks at the bottom 亅 like an umbrella 伞 and keeps dry 干 (dry 干 = laundry rack)


I always have an umbrella at me.


in; at; to; fromThe handle 亅 makes it to an umbrella that keeps dry.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


于是 yú shì  thereupon; as a result; consequently; thus; hence
业荒于嬉 yè huāng yú xī  to be distracted from one's work and fail to achieve results (idiom)
臻于完善 zhēn yú wán shàn  to attain perfection (idiom)
臻于郅治 zhēn yú zhì zhì  to attain a state of perfect governance (idiom)
濒于 bīn yú  near to; approaching (collapse)
有悖于 yǒu bèi yú  to go against
陷于瘫痪 xiàn yú tān huàn  to be paralyzed; at a standstill
忠于 zhōng yú  to be loyal to
过于 guò yú  too much; excessively
高于 gāo yú  greater than; to exceed
大于 dà yú  greater than; bigger than
大于 dà yú  

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