Memory phrase for the character: 临



just before doing sth., to face sth, approach




Left: knife, to cut刂, right: half of bamboo 竹, two mouths 口


He divided the bamboo with the knife. This he did just before giving it to the two mouths.


cutIt is typically at the right side of the character.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


临时 lín shí  at the instant sth happens; temporary; interim; ad hoc
临时 lín shí  
临时 lín shí  
临时 lín shí  
临沂 Lín yí  Linyi prefecture level city in Shandong
临沂地区 Lín yí dì qū  Linyi prefecture in Shandong
临沂市 Lín yí shì  Linyi prefecture level city in Shandong
临沂市 Lín yí shì  
临沂市 Lín yí shì  
临沂市 Lín yí shì  
临沂市 Lín yí shì  
临沂市 Lín yí shì  

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