Memory phrase for the Kanji: 遗



to lose, to leave behind, to omit, to bequeath



Left: movement , right: 貴 (member and twice crossed out as 'no more')


The movement when you are 'no-more' a member, is a: losing or been left behind.


movementIn some cases this radical is used, but the mnemonics are the same.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


 遗传  yí chuán  heredity; inheritance; to transmit
 遗留  yí liú  (leave or be a) legacy; left over; hand down (to next generation)
 遗产  yí chǎn  heritage; legacy; inheritance; bequest
 遗址  yí zhǐ  ruins; historic relics
 遗嘱  yí zhǔ  testament; will
 遗憾  yí hàn  regret; to regret; to be sorry that
 遗骸  yí hái  (dead) human remains
 补阙拾遗  bǔ quē shí yí  to compensate for shortage and leakage
 补阙拾遗  bǔ quē shí yí  

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