Memory phrase for the Kanji: 结


Meaning to tie, to bind, knot, bond, to bear fruit, to produce


jié, jiē


Left: thread 纟/糸, right: luck/joy 吉 (simplification of 喜, where the scholar 士 has beans 豆 in the mouth 口 and is happy.)


Threads of joy tie us.


threadIt has in its upper part the radical "short thread" 幺.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


结果 jiē guǒ  to bear fruit
凭轼结辙 píng shì jié zhé  to drive non-stop as fast as one can (idiom)
冻结 dòng jié  to freeze (loan, wage, price etc)
归根结蒂 guī gēn jié dì  ultimately; in the final analysis; after all; when all is said and done
归结 guī jié  to sum up; to conclude; in a nutshell; the end (of a story)
联结 lián jié  to bind; to tie; to link
缔结 dì jié  to conclude (an agreement)
勾结 gōu jié  to collude with; to collaborate with; to gang up with
结婚 jié hūn  to marry; to get married
结实 jiē shí  to bear fruit
结晶 jié jīng  crystallization; crystalline; crystal
结晶 jié jīng  

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