Memory phrase for the Kanji: 受


Meaning to receive, to accept, to suffer (passive marker)




From top: a hand reaching down 爫, cover 冖, hand 又


One hand from above holds a cover, the other hand receives it.


to receive, acceptNote the similarity to "love 爱": In "receive", a hand reaches from above 爫 through a cover 冖 to another hand 又 in order to receive something. With love, the friend 友 is added.
reaching downwardsShows a hand reaching downwards to pluck sth.
coverThis very similar radical 宀 is understood as a roof.
again, handOther radicals with a hand are: 攴寸廾爫手扌彐右及尹君聿隶兼殳
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


受到 shòu dào  to receive; to suffer; obtained; given
忍受 rěn shòu  to bear; to endure
受伤 shòu shāng  to sustain injuries; wounded (in an accident etc); harmed
感受 gǎn shòu  to sense; perception; to feel (through the senses); a feeling; an impression; an experience
受热 shòu rè  heated; sunstroke
承受 chéng shòu  to bear; to support; to inherit
享受 xiǎng shòu  to enjoy; to live it up; pleasure
遭受 zāo shòu  to suffer; to sustain (loss, misfortune)
接受 jiē shòu  to accept; to receive
受贿 shòu huì  to accept a bribe; bribery
受贿 shòu huì  

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