변화, 발전, 변형 to change, to become different, to transform
위: 또한 亦(이 변음 亦은 붉은 赤으로도 볼 수 있음) [붉은 赤: (흙) 흙 土 灬을 태우면 불타는 물질이 붉은 赤이 됨], 아래: 또 又(손 그림) Top: also/further 亦 (To understand this variation 亦 as red 赤, you can also/further do.) [red 赤: When earth (clay) 土 is burned 灬, the pottery becomes red 赤], bottom: once again 又 (image of a hand)
(손이 핏빛이 될 때까지 일을 많이 했나요?) &'붉은' 손은 변화를 뜻합니다. (Did he work so much until the hand was blood-red?) A reddish hand stands for: making a change.