Memory phrase for the Kanji: 轻


Meaning easy, light, gentle




Left: vehicle 车 (車= cart from above with axle 丨, load-area 日 wheels 二), right: vertical 圣 (A hand 又 is vertically above the ground 土)


(Pulling) a vehicle by hand over the flat ground [= aligned to the vertical] is easy & light.


vehicleSimplified from 車. Shows a hand-cart from top: axle 丨, loading area 日, two wheels 二. This sign 车 is similar to the simplified east 东 =東.
verticalShows a hand 又 vertically above ground/earth 土. It has also the meaning "holy" from a hand over an object when blessing it.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


年轻 nián qīng  young
减轻 jiǎn qīng  to lighten; to ease; to alleviate
轻轻 qīng qīng  lightly; softly
轻轻 qīng qīng  lightly; softly
轻工业 qīng gōng yè  light industry
轻重 qīng zhòng  severity (of the case); degree of seriousness; whether sth is slight or serious
轻骑 qīng qí  light cavalry; light motorcycle; moped
百事轻怡 Bǎi shì qīng yí  Diet Pepsi; Pepsi Light
轻裘肥马 qīng qiú féi mǎ  lit. light furs and stout horses; fig. to live in luxury
轻裘肥马 qīng qiú féi mǎ  

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