위에서부터 풀, 식물 艹, 怱(= 급할 匆, 마음 心) [급할 匆 = 여행 가방을 꾸릴 때, 포장한 勹 긴 것 ノノ(=바지)가 급해서 주름이 생겼다]]. From top: grass, plant 艹, 怱 (= hurry 匆 and heart 心) [hurry 匆 = When packing the suitcase, the wrapped 勹 long things ノノ (= pants) got wrinkles because I was in a hurry)]
서둘러 (= 빨리 자라는) 내 마음 가까이에있는 식물은: 부추입니다. The plant that is in a hurry (= grows quickly) and is closest to my heart is the leek.