Memory phrase for the Kanji: 顺



sequence, order, to obey, to follow, favorable




Left: river , right: page, leaf 页/ (head with shoulders and eyebrows )


Just as the river directs the water, the head gives things the order / sequence.


riverThe water was simplified as three lines and symbolizes the flow of the river.
head, leaderPicture of an eye with emphasized eye-brows to express the special: the head or the chief. (When used as a radical often without eye-brows meaning forehead). It is always at the right side of a character.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


 顺着  shùn zhe  to follow; following; along
 顺利  shùn lì  smoothly; without a hitch
 顺序  shùn xù  sequence; order
 顺溜  shùn liu  orderly; tidy; smooth
 顺遂  shùn suì  everything is going smoothly; just as one wishes
 顺藤摸瓜  shùn téng mō guā  lit. to follow the vine to get to the melon; to track sth following clues
 一帆风顺  yī fān fēng shùn  single sail, gentle wind (idiom); plain sailing; to go smoothly
 顺风转舵  shùn fēng zhuǎn duò  to act according to whatever is the current outlook; pragmatic; unprincipled
 顺风转舵  shùn fēng zhuǎn duò  
 顺风转舵  shùn fēng zhuǎn duò  

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