Memory phrase for the Kanji: 蹲


Meaning to crouch, to squat




Left: foot 足 (knee cap 口 and footprint 止), right: honorific 尊 (When sth. comes out 丷 of a wine mug 酉 by a skillful hand 寸, it's seen to be: honorific.)


(Making a kowtow?) With your feet you are honorific, if you crouch.


wine, alcohol
skillful handImage of a hand 一 forearm 丨 and pulse 丶. It was originally also the distance of one inch (Length: 1 ts'wun = 3.72 cm) from the hand's palm to the pulse. This also stood for a small amount. In the mnemonic, it is used as "skillful hand".
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


蹲踞 dūn jù  squat; crouch
蹲膘 dūn biāo  to fatten cattle in a shed; to become fat
蹲厕 dūn cè  squat toilet
蹲厕 dūn cè  

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