Memory phrase for the Kanji: 蓝


Meaning blue, indigo plant




Top: plant 艹, below: supervise 监 (For the cut bamboo [=knife刂 & half bamboo 竹] is a bowl 皿 for its supervision)


This plant is cut like bamboo and dyes/stains in a bowl into: blue.


grass, plantGrass or a rapid growing plant in general. It shows two plants growing through the ground, and is a simple variation of 艸.
to supervise, jailTop: cut bamboo and half of bamboo 竹), below: bowl 皿 .... For cut bamboo (snippets/shred) I need a bowl to "supervise" it.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


蓝色 lán sè  blue (color)
蓝藻 lán zǎo  cyanobacteria (blue-green algae)
蔚蓝 wèi lán  azure; sky blue
湛蓝 zhàn lán  azure
蓝侬 Lán nóng  Lennon
芜菁甘蓝 wú jīng gān lán  rutabaga (vegetable)
芜菁甘蓝 wú jīng gān lán  

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