Memory phrase for the Kanji: 盘
盘 |
| dish, plate, tray, board, to coil
Pronunciation |
pán |
Explanation |
Top: boat/ship 舟 (rowing boat with two persons 丶丶), below: plate, bowl 皿 |
It is floating like a boat or a bowl: this dish.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!
圆盘 |
yuán pán |
disk |
棋盘 |
qí pán |
chessboard |
绞盘 |
jiǎo pán |
a capstan |
盘诘 |
pán jié |
to cross-examine (law) |
盘踞 |
pán jù |
to occupy illegally; to seize (territory); to entrench (oneself) |
盘亘 |
pán gèn |
linked in a unbroken chain |
盘亘 |
pán gèn |