Memory phrase for the Kanji: 桓


Meaning Chinese soapberry (Sapindus mukurossi)




Left: tree 木, right: extend wholly 亘 (from sunrise to sunset 亘 (the sun 日 above 旦 and below the horizon 一)


The tree as with a soap 日 between two 二 hands: The soapberry-tree.


extending all the wayfrom sunrise 旦 (sun above horizon) to sunset (= sun below horizon)
sun riseThe sun 日 above the horizon 一 at sunrise.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


桓玄 Huán Xuán  Huan Xuan (369-404), general involved in the break-up of Eastern Jin
乌桓 Wū huán  Wuhuan (nomadic tribe)
乌桓 Wū huán  
乌桓 Wū huán  

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