Memory phrase for the Kanji: 局



office, situation, authorities, classifier for games: match



Top: a buttocks in side view , below: phrase/clause (= sth. wrapped out of the mouth )


When the 'buttock' is talking phrases, it is like in the office.


buttocks in side viewThis radical has the meaning: corpse . But because of its use in tail 尾 or urine 尿 or flatulence 屁, it is generally considered to mean 'buttocks'.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


 当局  dāng jú  authorities
 局面  jú miàn  aspect; phase; situation
 局部  jú bù  part; local
 全局  quán jú  overall situation
 总局  zǒng jú  head office; general office; central office
 局势  jú shì  situation; state (of affairs)
 邮局  yóu jú  post office
 僵局  jiāng jú  impasse; deadlock
 局促一隅  jú cù yī yú  to be cramped in a corner (idiom)
 局促一隅  jú cù yī yú  

At the page you get the memory phrases for learning the Chinese Hanzi. If you are learning the Japanese kanji, please follow this link.

List of the characters | List of the radials

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