Memory phrase for the Kanji: 喂
喂 |
| hello (on telephone), to feed (i.e. animal)
Pronunciation |
wèi |
Explanation |
Left: mouth 口, right: awe, reverence 畏 (.. because he has rice fields 田 and [good] clothes 衣.) |
His mouth was in awe when saying: "Hello!"
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!
喂养 |
wèi yǎng |
feeding; nutrition |
喂食 |
wèi shí |
to feed |
喂母乳 |
wèi mǔ rǔ |
breast feeding |
喂母乳 |
wèi mǔ rǔ |