Memory phrase for the Kanji: 包



package, to cover, to wrap




Top: wrap , below: snake 巳 (but her: self [= Following the windings, I find myself])


Wrap it in, then it is itself: well packed.


package, to cover, to wrapActually with a "snake" 巳, but simplified understood as a variation of self .
oneselfFollowing the winding path I find myself.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


 包括  bāo kuò  to comprise; to include; to involve; to incorporate; to consist of
 甩包袱  shuǎi bāo fu  lit. to fling off a bundle; fig. to abandon one's responsibility for sth; to wash one's hands of the matter
 背包袱  bēi bāo fú  have a weight on one's mind; take on a mental burden
 包袱  bāo fu  cloth-wrapper; a bundle wrapped in cloth; load; weight; burden
 生煎包  shēng jiān bāo  pan-fried dumpling
 包揽  bāo lǎn  to monopolize; to take on responsibility over everything; to undertake the whole task
 包庇  bāo bì  to shield; to harbor; to cover up
 豆蓉包  dòu róng bāo  bean paste bun
 包拯  Bāo Zhěng  Bao Zheng (999-1062), Northern Song official renowned for his honesty; modern day metaphor for an honest politician
 面包屑  miàn bāo xiè  breadcrumbs
 包含  bāo hán  to contain; to embody; to include
 包含  bāo hán  

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