Memory phrase for the Kanji: 关



to close, to shut, to turn off, mountain pass




Top: out of , below: heaven - Shows a mountain pass (=lowest section of a ridge), which is "in the sky", but from which it gets higher


(Depending on the weather) A mountain pass can be closed.


to closeHere as a mountain pass that can (depending on the weather) be closed.
coming out
skyDon't mistake with "early death" , even if there are some overlappings in the explanations. 
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


 有关  yǒu guān  to have sth to do with; to relate to; related to; to concern; concerning
 闯关  chuǎng guān  to crash through a barrier
 关之琳  Guān Zhī lín  Rosamund Kwan (1962-), Hong Kong actress
 关颖珊  Guān Yǐng shān  Michelle Kwan
 关系融洽  guān xì róng qià  social rapport; harmonious relations; sociable
 生死攸关  shēng sǐ yōu guān  matter of life and death
 攸关  yōu guān  of great concern
 韶关  Sháo guān  Shaoguan prefecture level city in Guangdong
 闯关者  chuǎng guān zhě  person who crashes through a barrier; gate-crasher
 关节  guān jié  joint
 相关  xiāng guān  interrelated; correlation; dependence; relevance; mutuality
 相关  xiāng guān  

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