Memory phrase for the Kanji: 仔
仔 |
| small thing, child, chick (young animal), attentive
Pronunciation |
zī, zǐ, zǎi |
Explanation |
Left: Person 亻, right: child 子 (... with an emphasized head 乛, body 丿 and two outstretched arms 一) |
A person has to give attentions to small things, like chicks.
person | This radical is understood as an identical variant of "person" 人, and shows a person who stands with the legs apart. - This radical has several varation, i.e. a lying person , a sitting 匕 person. |
child | A child with an emphasized head 乛, body 丿 and two outstretched arms 一. |
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!
仔细 |
zǐ xì |
careful; attentive; cautious |
仔细 |
zǐ xì |